My goals for the month was extremly next level. After few (2,3) BE stretch/swingy months (300k hands) I decided to work as much as possible. Moster working started end of July. I was so sick of this swings and I said to myself "Im going to lock the door and work until I get good results, no matter how long it takes"
So im posting July hours, and as you can see at the end of month "minutes played"
As I said my goals for August were extremly next level.
[x] 300h playing[x] 100h improvment / more than that[meh] updates, sometimes[no] abs treening[semi] NO HEADS UP! Semi-success![
] Do couple coaching sesh[semi] Healty food / Going slowly, mostly eat healty food (1x chips
)[yes/no] Taking days off (2-3), taking breaks mid session. Didnt take any day off, took breaks mid session.
@2p2 forum I get decent feedback, some good some bad. The main question comes from: Why Im doing this when Im young.
"I thought the whole point of playing poker was so that you could work less while you're young? This might be just my opinion but I think you're doing it wrong :/"
I agree and disagree. The whole point of playing poker is not that you could work less. Nothing comes easially. You still have to work. Word "work" means - doing something for something - reason.
Reason for success is: doing what to you love to do.
If you have time, ask from your friends: How much they love their work? I bet most people who are not loving their jobs, they are always watching the clock when this bs is over. And the same thing is with poker, many grinders just grind, set up their finishing time (like 2PM) and after finishing- thank god its over. I find its wrong.
Why im doing this so much? Dont you have another life? Dont you enjoy your life?
I do, I enjoy my life a LOT! Just loving it.
Before you buying something, before you going somewhere, before you eat desert, YOULL NEED TO DESERVE IT!
Example is very easy. Small children likes to eat sweet stuff, but parents are always saying eat first your meal and then youll get desert.
So before I meet some people from my studygroup, I wanted to work as much as possible and after that I deserve rewards. Going to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow, for visa-run. So exited, because im going alone and have to do things by myself. After that back to Koh Phangan, 5 days here aand then Im ready for see my buddies. We are renting villa in Ko Samui and defnitely gonna hve some good times.
The previous month results:
Dollar overall:
BB graph overall:
Graph w/o gambling limits: (400/600/1kNL)
52749,69vppd x3,5 x 0,016 = 2953,98$_________________________________Overall: 12045,53$
Big apologies. My english =